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Your Shopping Bag • Victoria's Secret Giveaway
Before the majority of my shopping budget started going to my long list of beauty
If you live here in the Philippines you probably already know that a lot of good brands like VS are very hard to get a hold of — either that OR they're in the form of an overpriced little stall or boutique. So we rely on our lists of trusted online stores that accept pre-orders or the ones that resell these goodies to us. One shop that has been on my list for around 5 years now is Your Shopping Bag.
meet @yourshoppingbagph
They pretty much become your own shopping bag for US-based brands that aren't available here in the Philippines... and even those that are here but are too expensive. You can preorder these items through YSB. They also have a nice collection of on-hand items — and note that all of these come with free shipping costs within the country.Some stuff I got from them over years include — bags, bikinis, perfumes, boots, VS Pink laundry bags, my favorite limited edition barbie bracelet from Tarina Tarantino, and my vintage style VS lauggage case that I really wanted to show you but its hidden somewhere that requires heavy lifting. Well look at that, I just realized that I bought quite a lot. Anywayz, I've had a good relationship with this store and I wanted to share it with you, so ladies here's a giveaway brought to you by Your Shopping Bag.