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Judy's Little Obsessions ♥: ♥ GIVEAWAY: 100 Followers Thank You Giveaway:
Hi everyone! I am glad to inform you that I just had 100 followers. Yey me! Hahaha! It's hard for me to gain followers because I am not that influential so I am so happy that I have reached 100 followers. To show you my appreciation, here is my small giveaway for you. These are not sponsored, I used my own money to purchase these. I will be the one who will ship these items to the winner. I just want to say sorry to the winner of my last giveaway for not being able to send you your winnings. The prizes of that giveaway was sponsored and after the giveaway, I was not able to connect with the sponsor. She has the prizes and I don't know what happened to her. Maybe she backed out or something, I dunno. I'm really really sorry. Well, anyway, I promise that will never happen again. So, onto the giveaway.
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